German Recon Patrol advancing past a destroyed bridge, France 1940

Displayed above is a German press photo showing a Spähtrupp advancing past a destroyed bridge, 7th of June 1940

Characteristic of the early campaigns, a number of the men can be clearly seen wearing their gas sheet pouches.

Below, the back of the press photo is visible, with the following text:
' 4425/ - Ein Deutscher Spähtrupp stösst über Brücktrümmer weiter vor, sie konnten durch Hindernisse nicht aufgehalten werden. PK-Titz-Atl.,7.6.40 .Fr. OKW."KG" '

Translated, this means: '4425/ - A German reconnaissance patrol advances past a destroyed bridge, even obstacles cannot stop them. PK [Propaganda Kompanie?] -Titz-Atl., 7.6.40 [date] .Fr. [France] OKW [Oberkommando der Wehrmacht - High Command of the Wehrmacht] ."KG" '

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